

Learn at the feet of experts. Education at iLandscape is designed to enhance your show experience. The show has gathered authors, speakers, educators, professionals, and industry leaders. Interested attendees must purchase an education pass (Early: $115 Member/$200 Non-Member, Late and Onsite: $145 Member/$255 Non-Member) that provides access to all sessions on all three days of the conference. In addition, the education pass covers your tradeshow admittance for all three days.

Spanish-language education is free.

As always, Education Sessions will provide:





And a fun time as well!

Continuing Education at iLandscape

iLandscape offers continuing education credit at iLandscape for various professionals and disciplines.

Landscape Architects

Landscape architects are now required to earn 24 CEU credits every two years. iLandscape will offer the opportunity to pick up 12.25 of those CEUs.

Certified Arborists

Sign-in sheets will be available for all certified arborists for certain classes related to arboriculture and tree care.

Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!