Looking for work?
Job Board postings will be made available during iLandscape.
Note: All inquiries should be directed to the company listed on the job posting. ILCA/iLandscape Show staff will be unable to answer any questions about the information contained within any of the job ads.
To submit job board (and internship) postings: DEADLINE: 1/19/2022
- Employers may submit as many classified ads that can fit on one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper.
- If more than one 8.5 x 11 sheet is submitted, only the first sheet will be used.
- You may add any graphics, logos, or images you wish but your submission cannot exceed one 8.5 x 11 sheet of paper. You may want to specify if a position is strictly for professionals/students/recent graduates/interns.
- Job postings may be submitted by landscape companies, garden centers, nurseries and suppliers, public bodies, non-profits, or any other green industry trade. Employers outside of the green industry, or who do not service the green industry, are prohibited from submitting ads.
- iLandscape reserves the right to reject any postings.
- You must email your one 8.5 x 11 sheet of ads to information@ilca.net by January 19, 2022 – Subject line: iLandscape Job Board. No ads will be posted that arrive after that date or are brought directly to the show. There is no fee to submit job board postings.